Who are you?

Have you ever sat down and defined yourself? Have you ever put words to who you are? Have you ever looked in the mirror and said “You are exactly who I said you were,” or do you, like most of us, look in the mirror and see everything everyone else has said about us?

Who you believe you are is how you’re going to show up in the world and you’re going to live the life deserving of the person you think you are? If you’re not living the exact life you wish to live, it is because deep down, you don’t see yourself as the person who should be living that life. That is why defining yourself is so important.

If you have never defined yourself, then you have been defined by what others have said about you, by what others have done to you, by your traumas, by your failures and so on and so on. But none of these are YOU! What makes Coach Nkrumah’s method so impactful, is that he gets to the core of who we are and helps us build our life from the inside out not the outside in. Other coaches simply give you tips on what to add to your life, Coach Nkrumah helps you change yourself and from there, inevitably change your life.

So think about it. If someone asked you “Who are you,” would you be able to give them a concrete answer? And we’re not talking about defining yourself by your job saying, “Oh I’m an _____ insert whatever your job title is.” We’re talking about you being able to define YOU as person. The core of your being. Who you were at 4, who you are at 40 and who you will be at 80. How you manifest in the world might change but the core of who you are doesn’t.

Are you ready to get to the essence of who you are and Redefine yourself and your life?